Carpet difference between 500, 700, 1000, 1200 and 1500 combs + definition of carpet density

Carpet difference between 500, 700, 1000, 1200 and 1500 combs + definition of carpet density

Date: 2022-03-16
number of visits: 20706

Perhaps the most common criterion you have heard about machine-made carpets is that the carpet is multi-comb, and surely the first distinguishing feature of all types of machine-made carpets in terms of quality and price in the market of this product between consumers and buyers is its "shoulder". .

Now, in this article, we will explain what a comb is in general and how much a carpet comb should be. At the outset, we must say that the comb and its amount does not indicate the quality of this product, and simply considering this amount is not enough to choose, and other specifications need to be considered.

What is a carpet comb?

In the structure of knitting machines, there is a piece called a comb through which the carpet thread passes. In this way, like a normal comb with which you comb your hair, this piece also has several teeth that according to each tooth of this piece, one root will be woven in each carpet, so we conclude the number of teeth of the comb piece. It is directly related to the number of carpet roots in its width. Due to the constant number of teeth in each knitting machine, the number of roots in the unit of measurement of the width of a machine carpet will be constant and will determine the transverse density of roots in one meter of carpet width. So the meaning of carpet comb is the transverse density of the carpet, which is called the number of roots or color knots in one meter of the width of the machine carpet, which is also known as the carpet comb or reeds. In fact, the transverse density in the knots that are woven is called the carpet shoulder and its unit is the meter and it is easily calculated. For example, if we say that a carpet is 1000 combs, it means that the number of knots in each meter of its width is 1000.

The next criterion that you should consider when choosing a carpet is its density. And what is the density of the carpet?

What is carpet density?

Density, like the carpet comb, determines the number of knots per unit of measurement, but this time along the carpet! This means that the density of the carpet indicates the number of roots per unit of measurement, which is often one meter, and this time a piece such as the shoulder of a knitting machine does not represent its naming. This time, the loom of the knitting machine with the force it exerts on each weaving thread is a direct factor in the stability of this value.

Therefore, the more force is applied to the weaving edge of the machine weaving machine (the amount is set to the appropriate limit), the more compact the carpet will be, and as a result, the carpet will be more durable and its stiffness and strength will increase. .

So far, we conclude that the higher the shoulder of the carpet, the finer the texture of the carpet, which will be more similar to handmade carpets, and these types of carpets are usually called handmade machine-made carpets.

The more combs the carpet has, the more delicate and beautiful it is, and the denser it is, the stronger and more attractive it is; So the best density of machine-made carpets can be the highest density, but this is not a reason to ignore the value and characteristics of other machine-made carpets with lower combs and densities.

The higher the density and the shoulder, the more the number of sleeping knots or carpet lint per square meter increases, and it is necessary to use finer and thinner carpet threads in the carpet texture, and naturally the height of the sleeping thread in the carpet also decreases. For example, in 500-shoulder carpets, the sleeping height is up to 11 mm, which is also reduced to 4 mm in very high-density carpets. The more combs the carpet has, the more delicate and beautiful it is, and the denser it is, the stronger and more attractive it is; So the best density of machine-made carpets can be the highest density, but this is not a reason to ignore the value and characteristics of other machine-made carpets with lower combs and densities.

High-density machine-made carpets lead to soft, fine-textured and delicate carpets. Of course, the thickness of such carpets is lower than carpets with less combs, because the shorter the carpets, the thicker the carpets; That is, a 700-shoulder carpet with a density of 2,550 is thicker than a 1,200-shoulder carpet with a density of 3,600. If you want to have a thin and thin carpet, you should go for carpets with high shoulders that are less thick. If the durability and high thickness of the carpet is important to you, choose a carpet with a comb and low density. As a result, we can say that 700-shoulder carpets are more durable than 1200-shoulder carpets.


What is warp yarn?


The fabric is a thread that is woven across the width of the carpet or other weaves, and the thread is along its length or length, which in the whole texture of these two threads causes the texture of the background and the final strength of the carpet or product we want. The yarn is larger or wider and the yarn is narrower. The fabric of yarn and fabric can be cotton, polyester and jute (hemp).

Everything about the 500-shoulder rug


Cheap 500-shoulder carpet has a relatively good quality and the reason for its low price is its density. Some people think that the reason for the low price of these carpets is the poor quality materials used in them if they are purely wrong, and various other reasons that use relative ease in different stages of production of this product and as a basis in the machine carpet market. Is considered to be the cause.

For example, the 500-shoulder carpet is a model of car that does not have additional appearance and comfort features and is a so-called low-option, not low-quality!

Transverse density or carpet shoulder 500 machine combs

As mentioned, the shoulder refers to the number of knots and houses that are carpeted in one meter of width. These terms are known as ridges in handmade carpets. So our desired product has 500 knots per meter in width of the carpet, which is known as 500 combs.

Longitudinal density of 500-shoulder carpet

Longitudinal density is a term similar to the number of combs, but with the difference that in calculating it, one meter of length is considered. To put it more clearly, the number of knots one meter from the length of the machine carpet is called density. The density of the original 500-shoulder carpet is 1000. That is, 1000 knots are tied in one meter of its length. The longitudinal and transverse densities must be exactly proportional to the final quality of the product.

Everything about the 700-shoulder rug

One of the best-selling carpet products is the 700-shoulder category. In general, 700-comb carpets with 2 qualities are offered in the carpet market.

Specifications of the original 700-shoulder carpet

Carpet 700 The original combs have a transverse density (carpet comb) of 700 knots and a longitudinal density (carpet density) of 2100 to 3000 knots, the most famous of which is a density of 2550. 700 original first-class combs are usually available in 8 colors or 10 colors and newer with 14-color sporty texture with a slight price difference.

Specifications of 700 conversion comb carpet

700-shoulder conversion carpet is a carpet that is woven by 500-comb machines and is supplied with a transverse density (carpet comb) of 700 knots by the given changes in the machine, and usually has a longitudinal density (carpet density) of about 1500 knots. Available in 8 colors in the market.
This branch of machine-made carpet, that is, 700 combs converted from real 700 combs, has a lower price, which is sometimes seen in many unreliable stores, which are sold as real 700-shoulder carpets with baseless excuses.

700-shoulder design carpet

Contrary to its name, the 700-shoulder machine-made carpet is not a 700-shoulder carpet, and the reason for its name is the weaving of new designs and the emergence of a 700-shoulder carpet in this category of machine-made carpets. Carpet) 500 knots and longitudinal density (carpet density) is woven around 1000 real.
Also, 700-shoulder design carpets are offered with 7 or 8 colors. The weaving machines of this type of machine-made carpets are computer machines and more up-to-date than 500-shoulder machines, and they are in a higher category. 700-shoulder carpets are popular because of their low price and beautiful designs, but they are also of good quality.

Comparison of 500-shoulder carpet with 700-shoulder carpet

Buying a rug is definitely an important choice. Because it is supposed to pay a relatively high price for it and also affects the appearance of your building. Therefore, choosing which of the 500 or 700 carpets to buy is also very important and vital.

The density of a 700-comb carpet is 2,550, which is approximately 1,500 units more than 500 combs. This elegance is enough to offer you beautiful and handmade designs. The thickness of the sleeping thread in 700-shoulder machine-made carpets has been reduced by about 2 mm due to the increase in density, but it still has the necessary softness and softness. Due to the fact that the comb and density have increased to 700 combs, it is necessary to use finer yarns and at the same time much more durable, in which case the strength and durability of the final product will increase. The final conclusion in comparing these two products shows that buying a 700-shoulder carpet will definitely be more economical for you, and you can enjoy more quality, beauty and durability.

Everything about the 1000-shoulder rug

1000-shoulder carpet is a type of machine-made carpet with 1000 knots per meter of width, or in other words, 1000 yarns per meter of width are connected to the warp and weft yarn using knots. Generally, the density of 100 combs is 3,000 and they take a position between 700 combs and 1200 combs.

1000-shoulder carpets have entered the market well over the years. Also, due to their reasonable price for their quality and beauty, they have become very popular among buyers of machine-made carpets compared to other carpets. These carpets have a higher price than 500 and 700 comb carpets due to the greater number of combs, which makes them more beautiful and elegant. Due to the large number of knots, these carpets often have a lifespan of 20 years and are also resistant to heat due to their texture made of quality acrylic yarn.

Carpet 1200 combs

The 1200-shoulder carpet is one of the finest and finest machine-made carpets on the market, it is so delicate and delicate that it mainly plays the main role of decorating homes in decoration. The important point is that as the number of combs and density increases, the thickness of the carpet decreases because the fibers used are thin and thin. Very small and crowded patterns are woven in the form of 1200 combs. The compression between the roots of this carpet is very high and the strength and durability of the 1200-shoulder carpet is very high against all kinds of damages.

1500 shoulder carpet

In machine carpet, 1500 combs have a density of 4500, which gives the carpet extraordinary beauty and cohesion. The very high number of knots per square meter of this carpet allows very fine and delicate designs to be used by carpet carpet weaving companies, and this is a big difference in the 1500-comb machine-made carpet that makes it beautiful. To better understand this issue, you can notice the difference between a photo taken with an 8-megapixel camera and a photo taken with a 48-megapixel camera, for example. In higher resolution photos, the number of colored cells per square centimeter is much higher, which makes the photo more sharp. In the 1500 comb carpet, the patterns are woven more clearly and with much more detail.

The finest yarn should be used for 1500-shoulder carpet weaving because the very high density causes the flowers and designs of the carpet to become entangled and its role is not easily visible, so they should use yarns that are small in size. Also, the height of the sleeping thread is shortened in the siding and the completion of the carpet with a shearing machine to show the carpet design as beautifully as possible.

Concluding remarks

If you want to have a thin and thin carpet, you should go for carpets with high shoulders that are less thick. If the durability and high thickness of the carpet is important to you, choose a carpet with a comb and low density. As a result, we can say that 700-shoulder carpets are more durable than 1200-shoulder carpets.

Before buying a rug, determine its use for yourself; Which part of the house is the carpet to be spread on, high-traffic or low-traffic areas? Is it going to have a decorative aspect in your house? How important is its elegance to you, or do you prefer it to be more durable and durable? Answering all these questions will help you decide on the best comb and carpet density.